What’s New
- You can now drag and drop both items and spaces to re-order them
- New weekly digest email showing your active/inactive spaces
- New daily digest email that shows all activity in the past 24 hours in your spaces
- A walk-through tutorial guide has been added for new users
- The platform is now ‘live’ and doesn’t require a refresh to see other people’s activity
- In-platform notifications have been improved, and settings can be changed in ‘Notifications’ under ‘My Account’
- Loading animation has been improved
Bug Fixes
- Hitting the return key now adds an item.
- Fixed due date notifications triggering for completed items.
- Fixed random letters being added to notifications.
- Fixed cards for comment count were disappearing
- Fixed smart add-in Team spaces
- Fixed logout issue, so Telic now keeps users logged in
- Fixed an error when uploading the Team space image